Her Story Unread

writing with love

Flesh Wide Open, Overexposed December 31, 2010

Filed under: poetry — Within Grace @ 9:34 am
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I see sadness in every person that passes me. I can sense the loneliness that haunts me in every surrounding soul.


I don’t know what I’m doing here. Working so hard to maintain… keep it all together. What will calm me? What will soothe this heartache?


I don’t laugh like I used to… I need that joy back. Each day, the same as the next; nothing to look forward to. I just need to breathe, but even that’s hard nowadays.


I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize the girl staring back at me.


I’m driving straight into the darkness. Feeling weak although I know what courage this requires.


With each breakdown, I have a breakthrough, but the pain doesn’t get any easier to feel. I am so tired of feeling. I just want to empty into a sea of white space and feel nothing… care for no one… desire no more. For now, I will talk myself to wellness.


I’m sick of being fucked up and allowing others to control my thoughts. So sick… horribly sick… disgusted in fact. I want to reach out, but I know I should step back, pull away, and keep my distance.


I need a break, a long break, perhaps live life as someone else for a bit. Who shall I become? One who is overly cared for would be nice… one that needs to be taken care of and basks in the enjoyment others have in caring for them.


I just want to feel loved… and loveable. Worthy of love.


Wish I could turn to a substance for escape, but nothing eases my pain. I want to escape, so I run; run fast, hard, and without looking back. Running towards my darkness, towards my biggest fears; opening myself to all the hurt in the world. And I have no idea what is to come.


I am so afraid… mostly of rejection. Although I can’t imagine I could hurt anymore than I already do.


I only eat because I know I should, and sleep is the same. I can’t seem to find anyone as broken as I to relate to.


With each passing tree and mountain peak, the closer I feel to freedom. Oh Lord God, please help me find freedom. I strongly desire freedom. Bound by this disturbing depression, closed off to those who really do love me and instead drawn to those who just don’t give a shit!


I need to confront this head on and bite back.

“Fuck you.”

“I love you.”

“Ignore me.”

“Pay attention to me.”

Where is my normal?


I haven’t been able to remember my dreams in months, except for today. I was talking with my dad on the phone, his voice was just as I remembered, he was hesitant in meeting with me, and so I cried and begged him. I promised no judgment, no negativity, just an embrace… the embrace I’ve longed for. He asked why I came to Tucson, “For you dad. To see you.” He seemed shocked yet it made him smile, I could hear it in his voice. Validation… he longs for it just as I do. What’s killing me is killing him too. I awoke, tears drenched my pillow, my heart felt a moment of peace… he’ll meet me… at least that’s what I’ll think for now.


I wish I were numb.


Thinking about the Lord and how much He loves me is the only thing that really makes me happy; makes my soul smile brightly.


This too shall pass…

© LRS 2010


2 Responses to “Flesh Wide Open, Overexposed”

  1. luvthehippie Says:

    I read your blog and I felt like I was reading my own words. I put up a strong front, but it’s getting harder as the days pass. Things will change for us and one day we will find what we are looking for. The only person we can truely ever count on is ourselves. So I am trying to face this by making something better of myself and focusing just on me and no one else. Trying to push my hurtful thoughts to the back of my mind and focusing on the pipe dream of what may come…I wish you the best of luck…

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