Her Story Unread

writing with love

Open-Ended Love Affair April 21, 2011

Not too far off in the distance

A large white smoke billows

Over the length of my body.

A tiring week of events soaks

My clothes in sweat.

His touch, too often forgotten,

Casts shadows in colors missed by the naked eye.

Only under the dark of these shadows

Am I able to express my desires.

Been asleep for many years

Lost, under his spell,

Now awake, feeling all but the present.

I cannot shut my eyes to rest.

Simple, yet uneasy tasks

Crash like waves onto my head

Knocking me down. Swirling under

I am not allowed to come up for air.

One after the other I am pressed down

Deeper and deeper into the earth.

Separated as can possibly be from the heavens,

I am closer to God than ever before.

I let out a loud screech, a call for help,

Hoping others will hear me and seek me,

Rescue me, transform my mind.

Focusing on lines, lines that show definitives,

Age, experience, heritage,

How these lines connect us.

One becomes two, then four, and back to one,

No relation between the previous

Yet all attached to the being,

Which is separate from my soul.

Softening blows, only through acceptance.

Governing peace, through understanding.

Weighing down upon my shoulders, the

Pressure of cohesiveness;

No longer a part of the responsibility I am willing to bear.

I will do my part, only my part.

I will be what is needed, for you,

Only for you, all for you, embracing you.

© LRS 2011


8 Responses to “Open-Ended Love Affair”

  1. lovely words and lovely poetry i enjoyed this.

  2. Rachael Eliz Says:

    Your poetry is lovely. Deep. Thankyou

    • loveandlivehappy Says:

      Thank you for reading, subscribing, and taking the time to comment. I also enjoyed your blog.

  3. thankyou for subscribing to my blog its so kind of you i hope you enjoy my poetry .your a lovely lady.

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